Saturday 2 June 2012

Chunji’s hobby is unique and insidious topic. Teen Top Chunji in the recently filmed MBC ‘Our Sunday Night - Exploration of Genders’ confessed that during high school, he had a hobby of peeping at high school girls beside his school through a telescope.Netizens who heard about Chunji’s hobby responded with several interesting replies such as, ‘With a cute appearance and a totally reversed insidious-like hobby, his reversed charms are also cute”, “Chunji’s hobby will get lots of sympathies from guys”, “He did not just simply check out the girls but he even prepared telescope, how thorough” 

Also there were other responses like “I guess female celebs who has been with him would be surprised?”, “Even Chunji has this sort of hobby”, “Chunji is quite the honest person”, “Sometimes high school girls idle and look at boys too”, “Chunji forget your crafty hobby and find a new one”, “Anyway it is unique and it is charming”,”Exploration of Genders is gonna be discontinued. It seems like such a pity that I won’t be able to see Chunji”Chunji too revealed and said “I like girls who keep hitting me” as his unique ideal type. Through ‘Sunday Night - Exploration of Gender’, you can find out more about the unique hobby and obviously different but delightfully charms of Teen Top’s Chunji as he returns for a comeback on 1 June during ‘KBS 2TV Music Bank’.

ENG TRANS: oursupaluv 
SOURCE: Newsen


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