Thursday 7 June 2012

On June 6th, Yoon DoHyun and Sooyoung had successfully made their debut as MCs on SBS ‘Midnight TV Entertainment’.
The participation of Sooyoung and Yoon DoHyun as MCs for SBS ‘Midnight TV Entertainment’ was announced through a press conference held on June 1st. Yoon DoHyun said, “I made this decision very carefully. Since I will be talking about others, I think I will be very careful. When there is a happy event, I will also be happy, and when there is a bad event, I will be sad. I think it will be interesting.”
Despite being their first live broadcast, Sooyoung and Yoon DoHyun have impressed viewers through their sensible comments as well as their smooth and natural MC-ing skills, with no significant and obvious mistakes.
After completing the live broadcast successfully, Sooyoung commented “I’ve been always watching the show on TV in the living room, but now I am the one who introduce the topics. So, I felt it was different and fun. I will work hard and try my very best to convey accurate news”.

Credit: newsen.comTranslated by:


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