Monday 14 May 2012

On May 10th, 4minute maknae Kwon Sohyun updated her Twitter with an adorable photo. Sohyun tweeted, "Ackㅜㅜ Let go!!!!" along with a photo of fellow 4minute member Kim Hyunah and herself grabbing each other's hair. 4minute's manager Hong Jintaek replied to Sohyun with, "You should push down if you grabbed with your left hand."
Soon after Sohyun's tweet, 4minute leader Nam Jihyun also tweeted about the same situation. Jihyun posted a similar photo of the two youngest members fighting with the caption, "Who will mediate the maknaes?"
Netizens responded to these pictures with comments such as, "The set-up is completely cute", "Are they mad at each other?", and "The rebellion of the maknaes" and more.

Source: 4MF_Tweets & TVDailyTranslating + Reporting + Editing: applemango @


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