Wednesday, 23 May 2012

An arrest warrant has been filed by the Seoul Western District Prosecutor’s Office against singer Go Young Wook on charges of sleeping with minors.

On May 21, a representative from the Prosecutor’s Office said that, “Even if it wasn’t a case of rape, a person can be charged for using force and power as an adult to lure a minor into having sexual relations.”

The representative added that a judge will interrogate Go in person to see if there is indeed enough evidence to arrest him.

Earlier on May 15, Go spent over 10 hours at the Yongsan Police Station in central Seoul for charges of sleeping with a minor.

An official complaint about Go raping an aspiring teenaged entertainer emerged earlier in the month, and while Go was at the police station, a local media outlet received a tip that more than one child victim might be involved in the case.

Go Young Wook rose to fame in the 1990s as a member of dance group Roo’Ra.

By Carla Sunwoo
Source: JoongAng Daily


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