Sunday, 13 May 2012

A picture posted by Seungri's fanclub in Korea is gaining attention especially to Seungri and Dara's supporters. In the picture taken at Yoesu airport Seungri is found attending Dara's needs.

Original post is written below:

@partnervi [자상한 승리아카데미 원장님] 1. 유일한 수강생 산다라에게 다정하게 인사 2. 가방이 무거워 보였는지 3. 들어줄까? 물어보는 중… 여수 공항에서 있었던 일❤ #자상한 남자 #승리 #산다라 #승리파트너

[The Attentive Seungri Academy CEO] 1. Warmly greeted his one and only student Sandara 2. Her bag must’ve looked heavy 3. In the middle of asking “Do you want me to carry that?” occurence at the Yoesu Airport <3 #attentive man #seungri #sandara #seungri partner

Note: Seungri Partner (@partnervi) is one of Seungri’s fanclubs in Korea.

Source: @partnervi
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