Thursday 10 May 2012

EXO has done 100 days worth of online promotions before their official debut. They had revealed 23 teasers, released by SM Entertainment, they have been catching the attention from many fans before they even had their debut.
EXO-K is composed of Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol. D.O, Kai and Sehun make a big unit called EXO with EXO-M which is consisted of Xiumin, Luhan, Kris, Lay, Chen and Tao. They will divide and promote in China and Korea, there are possibilities that they will promote together as 12 members.
We met EXO-K for an interview and from the first sight, the members had amazing visuals. EXO-K shows off some great visuals as to other idol groups along with their manly side, cuteness and other charms possessed by the other six members. 
We had asked them about their team name EXO-K, which is derived from the name EXO PLANET. "I like the name. I like the name because it is pretty(Chanyeol)", "The logo is pretty as well(Sehun)" were the responses, we could see that they were full of confidence yet a bit of nervousness.
EXO's video was also a hot topic. The twelve members are defined by powers such as teleport, fire, water, earth, wind etc... They describe themselves as "We come from outer space from a place called EXO PLANET. Each member has a power", during the interview they also said "We have powers in real life, but they are hard to describe", "We are really from outer space(Chanyeol)". 
It has been around 1 year since they have gotten the name EXO and have been practicing for their debut. Chanyeol made a clear statement about this matter "The practicing wasn't as hard. Since it's something that we like and it's our dream to become singers, we had thought positively whilst practicing".
Their debut song 'MAMA' is part of SM's genre SMP (SM Music Performance). Chanyeol said "Since we have to show a good side of us by showing a good performance and voices it was hard, but we had tried our best. I felt great when we received our song for the first time. It must be a new type of song by SM. So I think it's very fresh".
EXO-K got their debut stage on SBS 'Inkigayo' on the 8th of April, along with EXO-M debuting simultaneously. When we asked them about the feedback they had gotten after their debut, Kai responded "Many people have been talking about is" and Sehun said "I think many people like us and are giving us positive feedback".
The debut of EXO-K gave out an explosive feedback. The fans had started to increase endlessly just with one stage (Along with D.O's famous mistake of 'Superior Orchestra' on a music show), the interest towards the members increased and the fanpics have started to increase as well.
But EXO-K felt quite a pity after monitoring their first performance. As soon as we mentioned about the live, they showed their pity for the performance "I had thought whether this was all we could give. We were pressured about our first live and we have never done this before.. The next day we managed to do better and are getting used to what we have to do (Chanyeol)", "I felt how the sound from an in-ear piece works for the first time (D.O)".
D.O also said "I made many mistakes, but after a few weeks I got used to the cameras so I was able to show a better side of myself". and also added "We still have a long way to go" and showed that he will work harder.
EXO-K is currently living in dorms and they have a 'family meeting' every Saturday. The six members take responsibility of taking up a chore to do and then they gather up and express their thoughts on one another by telling the strong points and weaknesses.
Their family like motto is 'Let's love'. The leader Suo had decided upon this motto. They expanded on this area "Before going on stage or having a family meeting, we say the motto to release our tension (D.O)", "It also means that we love one another but it also involves the fans and the staff who work hard for us and we are willing to spread the love. (Chanyeol).
SM's role for the rookie group is quite big. As they were preparing for the group, EXO-K got a lot of attention from Korea but then EXO-M started to gain a lot of attention from China as well, EXO misses the times that they were together in the showcase. We had asked EXO-K about a reunion for all 12 members and they revealed "There might be a day when we might promote together". They are currently concentrating on their promotions as EXO-K and EXO-M.
Their answer to the goal of this year was winning the rookie award. EXO-K showed a lack of confidence when saying "There are so many col seniors that we have to try our best as well". Then we asked them "Wouldn't EXO-K be able to win?", EXO-K has showed their fresh sides and had explained that they would use their powers to try their best.

Source: NewsenTranslated by: sunnybun @CODE:EXO 


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