Thursday 10 May 2012

SM Entertainment, one of the best entertainment companies are famous for their numerous debuts they make. There in need of a 1~2 year worth of preparation for a group, but at times it can be extended to 7 years. You cannot ignore the amount of training they give but the competition within the trainees is fierce as well. This is because of the amount of interest given to the trainees as well. Recently EXO-K (D.O, Kai, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun) and held a recent debut with the song 'MAMA', they have already passed an immense test. They are SM's rookie of 2012, We have listened to the competition being held through the members of EXO-K.

First of all, the leader Suho has been a trainee in SM for 7 years and finally had his debut. His trainees juniors have also debuted before him. He must've bene hurt when this case happens.

"There were times when I wanted to give us. I tried my best. That is true. Keeping a mind control had been of big help. I think this is the reason why I was able to stay strong for 7 years. You cannot ignore the advice and help given by the seniors."

Chanyeol was casted during high school and had 4 years worth of training, had a method of keeping himself strong.

"I tried my best to show the best of me from others and believed in myself that I'd debut in a team. I thought that I had a better sense of rhythm than the others when I played the drums because I learnt it at a young age. I was a bit stronger in rap than the others and showed that anyone could be good in rapping. I kept in mind that if there is something I am good at, I'd keep it to myself forever."

Sehun had 4 years of training and was first casted in 6th grade, then had auditioned for 2 years which led him to start the trainee period from 8th grade. Sehun's weapon was dancing.

"I liked to dance at a young age. I believed that I was better than anyone else. But dance is not only about copying a dance, I found out that you ad to continue watching the dancers and investigating the steps."

Baekhyun had the shorted trainee period of 1 year, we could call him a lucky one. "I think that I was quite lucky (laughs). When I first came in as a trainee, I thought that the other trainees were way higher up than me in skills. They were good looking, great dancers, sing well. I am also lucky that I got to debut via EXO-K. I had kept into consideration on how to cross over the high barriers with my considerations. You cannot work less than the others."

Kai is a dancer who has been learning ballet and jazz dance from primary school. He became a SM trainee in middle school and had 5 years of training.

"I was the best in dance. But I was enjoying it more than working hard for it. I enjoyed learning other dances aside from baller and I like dhow dance was staying in my body. I think that I was able to debut in EXO-K because I was enjoying myself rather than being a hard worker."

D.O who is part of the vocal line was casted for his voice. He likes to sing, hence we was on various singing competitions and had a trainee period of 2 years.

"It is important to show a vocal of my own. There are many friends who sing. You have to do your best in order to master our country's ballads. I think I tried even harder to practice on R&B and Soul music. I was concerned on how different my voice was to the others."

Source: Star Today
Translated by: sunnybun @ CODE:EXO 


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