Friday, 1 June 2012

*** It’ll be great if any Thai fans will be able to translate another English version of this article for us! ^^ ***

Q : Please discuss about the new album

Jonghyun : After a year of absence, we have released our new mini album “Sherlock. The style (for this album) is different from previous (albums) - For this time round, the album is more inclined towards “Pop” and is more internationalised. We were all really focused for this album / placed in a lot of effort. We hope everyone wil support and love our new album.

Q : I heard that in order make this album more become internationalised, you have sought Michael Jackson’s choreographer - is this true?
Taemin : Yes. He is a really famous dancer in USA. This is the first time he has worked/collaborated with Asia.

Q : Any hopes for this album?
Minho : To be honest, we were all really worried before this album was released - it can be said that we were worried yet anticipating (it) at the same time. We have placed in a lot of effort for this album; even more (effort) was placed in it in comparison to previous albums! However the response was really good after the album has been announced/released to the public. We were relieved and really happy (about it).

Q : Have you all thought about getting the #1 spot in all music charts across all Asia countries?
Onew : It’ll be great if we are able to win, however since our debut, we have not set such goal to become the first in the entire Asia region, however we will work hard to clinch the top spot in Asia.

Q : How is all of your fashion style like? Do you all dress up elaborately or (go for a) simple, casual style? And is there any type of fashion you would want to wear?
Jonghyun : I thought about this for very long!! I want to wear really colourful clothings, to mix many colours together - then all 5 of us will wear it for our performance on stage!

Q : Usually all of you are really busy with work, how do you all take care of your health?
Onew : Actually to be healthy, everyone should sleep and eat in a regular routine. However we are unable to do that, we are only able to eat some food that is able to give us energy and to reduce our fatigue. For example, there’s yujacha (tea) in Korea, citrus tea etc.. It can help to reduce tiredness after drinking..and we also take vitamins.

Q : What do you miss most when you are overseas?
Onew : I will think about home before I sleep
Jonghyun : I miss home very much whenever I’m free or when I eat, because homecooked food is always the most delicious!
Key, Minho : Can’t think of it when we are really busy with work, (however) we will start to miss our family, father, mother, brothers, sisters when we take a break and have nothing to do.
Taemin : Think about home.

Q : If you were given a choice, where would you pick as your concert venue?
SHINee: We don’t mind anywhere, as long as it is big enough, with many fans attending - then in this way, they are able to enjoy (the conert) with us!

Source : Thailand SEVENTEEN magazine / Thai-Chi :@OWO松饼 / Chi-Eng : soundtracklove@soompi and mon-cheri / Source: SHINeeSJGG

[Scans] SHINee @ Seventeen Thailand Magazine 120601


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