Wednesday 9 May 2012

Elisabeth has been nominated for musical of the year and Junsu has been nominated for best male lead. The other candidates for this award are Kim Ho Young (Mozart Opera Rock), Park Geun Hyung (Zorro), Song Yong Jin (Sherlock Holmes) and Jo Seung Woo (Dr Zhivago). Together with Junsu, two actors of Elisabeth have been nominated for best male supporting (Park Eun Tae and Kim Su Yong). Two actresses were also nominated for best female lead: Ock Joo Hyun who played Elisabeth and Lee Jung Hwa who played her mother-in-law Sophie.QTV and JTBC will broadcast the 6th Musical Awards at 11:00 pm on 4th of June. The 6th Musical Award will be held at the National Theatre of Korea on 4th June from 8 PM to 10 PM KST.The Popularity Award voting page for the 6th Musical Awards will open on 20th of May.
Credit: @xiahjungoo + @XiahDerTod + @6_musicalawards


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