Thursday 24 May 2012

Check out Big Bang's interview in Japanese magazine, Ray.
>> Daesung <<Q: How do you sleep?Dae: Sometimes I wear pajama, but usually I only wear pants. Even during winter, I keep myself warm with blanket while wearing nothing and go to bed.
Q: What will you do if you have 3 billion?Dae: I’ll make a plan to travel around the world with cruise, plane, train, etc.
Q: Among the five members, who will be a good boyfriend?Dae: SOL. He’s hardworking and kind too (from girls’ perspective).
Q: What things are you addicted to?Dae: BIGBANG. There were many things happened last year, so I want to focus on doing what I couldn’t do last year.
>> TOP <<Q: What will you do if you have 3 billion?TOP: I’ll give the money to my parents
Q: Among the five members, who will be a good boyfriend?TOP: From girls’ points of views, every member has their own good and bad points and I’m sure our magazine readers also have their own taste too.
Q: How do you sleep?TOP: In pajama.
Q: What kind of person is SOL?TOP: Sometimes he’s like a kid. He’s honest and always feels lonely too.
Q: What is your ideal date during summer?TOP: I want to spend my time with my girlfriend in a place where there’s no one else. If I can spend time with just the two of us, it’s already enough for me.
>> SOL <<Q: Among the five members, who will be a good boyfriend?SOL: Nobody! *laugh*
Q: How do you sleep?SOL: I used to wear pajama but now I only wear pants.
Q: What will you do if you won 3 billion lottery?SOL: I’ll buy a mansion. But if it really happened, I’ll give the money to my parents. I don’t like money.
>> G-Dragon <<Q: How do you sleep? GD: I take off all of my clothes. Just kidding. I wear pants only.
Q: What will you do if you won 3 billion lottery?GD: I’ll give it to V.I. I believe he’ll start business and gain a lot profits. I’ll ask my money from him after that
Q: What kind of person is V.I?GD: He’s our youngest brother, but really hyperactive. Kinda scary!
Q: Among the five members, who will be a good boyfriend?GD: D-LITE. He’s awesome.
>> V.I <<Q: What kind of person is D-LITE?VI: He’s cheerful and our mood-maker. He’s hardworking too. Even when we have busy schedules, he will wake up early to read newspaper or books. He’s smart!

Source: @cheri_bigRough Trans by @0401rurutic//Via:BBU


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