Thursday 24 May 2012

On May 22nd, Girls’ Generation – TTS appeared on KBS’s music program, “Lee Sora’s Second Proposal”, to perform and chat with MC Lee Sora. In the chat session, Tiffany expressed her delight in the increase of her lines in songs, going from fifteen seconds to 75 seconds with “Twinkle”.

During the interview, Lee Sora asked the girls as to whether or not it had been difficult for Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun to go from singing as a nine member group to just three members. Taeyeon stated that she had indeed had a few difficulties, saying, “This is the first time I’ve worried about my throat’s condition since I debuted. Our parts became that much longer. It was enough for my throat to sometimes get a little hoarse.”

Tiffany, however, expressed her happiness due to the larger amount of time she sings in “Twinkle” compared to the past. She said, “I’ve long wanted to have more parts and looked forward to this unit album, so I’m enjoying my singing with a grateful heart. When we were nine members, I sang about fifteen seconds. This time I sing for a minute and fifteen seconds, so I’m delightfully thankful.”

Source: Yahoo! OMG Philippines
Written by: bethlyhem.@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified


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