Thursday 3 May 2012

The recent twitter updates of both JuYeon and Lizzy have received positive feedback from Netizens.Yesterday JuYeon uploaded a new photo onto her twitter account which contained two Polaroid images of herself along with the tweet, “…got out of the concert! It was a happy time!…“.JuYeon posed cutely with her fingers in a ‘V’ shape which showed off her sweet charm. In response netizens left comments like, “Cute, I like this“, “You seem to age backwards” and “Please come back soon – I miss you

Today Lizzy updated her twitter account with a photo that also contained two pictures. She tweeted “…wearing yellow clothes like a chick…”. In the photos she is seen wearing a yellow and grey striped hoodie which makes her blonde hair color stand out.Lizzy’s white skin and kind eyes capitivated Netizens. They left comments like ”now that is a real Lady!”, “After School is in charge of the cute’ hairstyles that match the color of your eyebrows…“, “You look really beautiful“, and “So cute I want to bite!“.

Article 1 2 3 4 + Trans: AfterSchoolDaze


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