Wednesday, 6 June 2012

What are you doing?It’s this late, but you’re still not sleeping?I’m going to sleep tooAh, where should we meet tomorrow?I’ll go to your houseIs there someone you want to eat?Ah, I found this really tasty shop.Just follow meYou’ll really be surprisedDon’t come back again after eating here thenDid you ever see me lie before?I’m going to sleep once you sleepYou hang up firstAh, okay, then when I count 1, 2, 3, we hang up.ㅎㅎ Why didn’t you hang upOkayThis time is for realOkay, okayGood night~-Teaser Serif-
Inspiration? I’m not saying that I have this kind of experience, but because I create songs while imagining many things, it’s a story that came out after I thought, ‘What kind of story would come out if it was like this situation?’. (I.M: Is there a possiblity?) Who? (I.M: For Jinyoungie.) I don’t think I would act like this. (I.M: Everyone said that they wouldn’t act like this.) But I really wouldn’t. You can trust me, haha!
If there are, what are Jinyoung’s new charms that you want to appeal through ‘Baby Goodnight’?There’s another side to Jinyoung! Since I’m the type to be devoted to the performance, I wanted to express a bad boy in my own style even though I’m not a bad boy. My meaningful smile is the point! Truthfully, it feels more like arrogant and selfish person than a bad boy.
If a situation like this came, how do you think you would act?I would go out with my girlfriend. Because this kind of situation hasn’t occurred to me, I don’t know what it would feel like. I think I would have to personally experience it to know it.
What’s the role that Jinyoungie plays in the music video’s story?There isn’t really a certain role that I play. I’m just a friend that plays together with CNU. I think I’ll look like a bad guy, haha.
Teaser, Big Issue! What’s happening? (Episode)I’m recording myself with the camera and calling, right? So I was calculating the time while thinking, ‘If I say this, the opposite person will probably say this, right?’, and it took around two hours. (I.M: You finished it early? There was even a member that took 5 nights and 6 days?) Ah, that’s true. Channie did take quite a long time. I think I put quite an effort in trying to make it real with the mindset of ‘let’s have a conversation with my girlfriend’. And for the script, I just said whatever I thought of at that moment. I made a lot of NG’s too. That’s why it took 2 hours.If you were to give a grade to the B1A4 member who you think did the best among the teaser videos, how many points would you give? (How many points out of 10 points?)Sandeullie. I would give him 9 points. (I.M: Is there no one who would get 10 points out of 10?) Of course, since there’s nothing perfect in the world. (I.M: Does everyone think that theirs was 10 points?) Of course, but excluding me since I got 10 points out of 10. (Laughter) Even though his was really sappy, I think Sandeullie  put on a blunt face and did it well. Just like he was really talking to his girlfriend.
What is something Jinyoungie always does before sleeping?I always exercise. (I.M: What about the abs on your stomach?) Ah… I’ll leave a no comment for that. The exercises I do repeatedly are push-ups and crouching then standing up. I don’t specifically use an exercising machine.

trans. cr; hyejin @ b1a4transsource cr; b1a4’s fancafe


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