Sunday 10 June 2012

In his previous tweets, JungShin promised that he will share a series of pictures from their trip to LA earlier this year. Today, he tweeted 5 more pictures to end the series. But that’s not the end, he promised more pictures to come!

"Everybody, lastly, these are the pictures taken in LA. Though I would like to take them handsomely using a DSLR, handphone is alright too ^^ I will upload lots next time too. LA’s edition, end!! Have a good weekend. Please stay tuned and watch ‘You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly” and “A Gentleman’s Dignity”."

여러분 마지막 LA에서 찍은 사진들이예요 Dslr로 멋지게 찍고 싶었지만 핸드폰도 괜찮네요^^ 나중에 또 많이 올릴게요 LA편 끝!! 즐거운 주말되시고 넝쿨당과 신사의품격 많은 시청바랍니다

Source : 1, 2
Translated by: chiffonlau@cnbluestorm


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